Capital Improvement Program

Capital Improvement Programs (CIP)

The process for preparing the annual Capital Improvement Program (CIP) begins In the Fall when departments are asked to submit proposed projects for inclusion in the program.  These projects are reviewed by a committee of County Department representatives which makes a recommendation to the County Executive regarding the scheduling and financing of the projects for inclusion in the program.  Under the Charter, the Director of Planning and Development is charged with preparing the CIP and submitting it to the County Executive.  The County Executive is required to submit the recommended program to the Monroe County Planning Board in January of each year for their review and recommendation.  The County Executive is then required to submit a recommended CIP to the County Legislature in May.  The County Legislature is required to hold a public hearing before adopting the CIP at their July meeting.  The first year of the CIP becomes the Capital Budget which is part of the annual Operating Budget which is submitted to the County Legislature in the Fall.  Adoption of the Capital Budget by the Legislature is accompanied by the adoption of bond resolutions for the financing of projects contained in the first year of the CIP.  The process is repeated each year according to the above schedule.

Links are provided below to the most current version of the CIP as well as recently adopted programs.